Name: Brock Ryan Position: Bode/Truman Wyld Life Leader What would be the title of your autobiography? Patience Pays Growing up, I was not sure what my gift was. I loved sports and specifically, I fell in love with baseball. But after my freshman baseball season I stopped playing. I lost the love for playing for some reason. As a result, the rest of my time in high school was an awkward time for me and I often asked myself that dreaded question, "What's my purpose?" But I kept my head up and trusted in the Lord. Fast forward to today and I could not be more blessed! I am beginning my third year in the Army National Guard where I shoot Field Artillery (and it's a BLAST). I'm also starting my junior year in college, studying Economics. Additionally, I've been seeing my girlfriend, Megan, for two years and we are happily doing long distance while she attends Gonzaga University in Washington. Do you have any hidden talents? I'm essentially a ping pong prodigy. Central Young Life leader Brady Cameron and I have grown to master the ways of the paddle. If you were stranded on an Island and could have 3 items, which items would you have to have? I would actually take 2 people and just one item. The two people would be Steve carrell and Rainn Wilson. The item would be manual titled something like, "How to Get Yourself Out of a Stranded Island Situation". If I didn't survive, then I could say that I spent my last moments with two of my favorite actors from The Office! Basically, it's a win-win type of plan. What has been your favorite thing about being in Young Life, so far? Going to the schools of my Wyld Life kids and hearing, "What's up Brock?!" I've been to camp, late nights, and retreats with Young Life, and those are all such fantastic and fun experiences. But, nothing will compare to that feeling of getting the love back from the teens I invest int and seeing the fruits of my labor. Shark diving, bungee jumping, or skydiving? I would skydive to a beachside cliff that has a bungee. When I detach from the bungee, I embark a boat that takes me shark diving. |