New Leader Alert! Name: Scott Keegan Position: Savannah High School Young Life Leader What would be the title of your autobiography? It will get better I've had a lot of hard things hit me at a young age. The hope and belief that things would get better has always kept me going and is a belief I still carry with me everyday. What is one goal you wish to accomplish? I want to climb a mountain, any mountain really. It's just always something I've wanted to do and it'd be a sweet view at the top. If you could eat lunch with anyone (past or present) who would it be and where would you go? I would eat with Tim Tebow because growing up he was a big role model for me. I would eat with him anywhere they have stead and mashed potatoes. What's been your favorite part of Young Life so far? The great friendships that can be made through it. Also the experience of camp and watching other kids get to experience the awesomeness that is camp. Shark diving, bungee jumping or skydiving? Skydiving for sure because I have a fear of heights and I like the thrill of doing something that's scary to me. I'm actually planning on going skydiving this summer. |