Claire Palmer (Greater St. Joseph Wyld Life leader) - “I served as the office assistant for Castaway Club on summer staff and it was a life changing experience. God challenged me in ways I never thought possible. I learned how to be the hands and feet of Jesus to thousands of kids and spread the gospel in an energetic, fun-loving way. I also gained a wonderful new community of lifelong friends in Christ. Jesus was so evident at camp and I couldn’t wait to get back home and serve my community to love people like Jesus does.”
Scott Keegan (Savannah High School leader) - “One cool thing that happened to me while I was on summer staff at Washington Family Ranch, was just finding unreal community. Being able to share anything and not feel judged but knowing that everyone would love me no matter what was going on. It was an awesome glimpse of what heaven will be like with such a tight community. As well as we were able to celebrate together the good things that were happening at camp. Everyone was on the same page and there for one purpose to serve God and to serve kids.”
Allison Pinet (Maryville High School leader) - “I served on third session summer staff at Windy Gap! While I was at Windy gap, I was surrounded by beautiful people inside and out. I learned what it meant to have good fellowship with people my age. I learned how important it is to be intentional with others, and to share Jesus with others! I feel like I’d never had this before. During my three weeks I also had a lot of time to reflect on how the Lord has worked miracles in my life. Looking back at how all of my prayers have been answered, looking at and sharing the kind of person I used to be and loving who I am now in Christ. I fell even more in love with Him and am craving His love everyday. At Windy Gap the Lord showed me that not only do i get to live with Him now and forever, but that I get to share His love with others for as long as I live. I’m so grateful to have served this summer and now that I’m thinking about it I just want to go back!”